
Odbc driver for hive excel mac
Odbc driver for hive excel mac

odbc driver for hive excel mac

Documentation ODBC Driver Installation and Configuration Guide.

odbc driver for hive excel mac

Configure an S3 bucket, for the temporary results. The connection string works fine which is DSN=xxxx UID=XX PWD=xxx APP=Microsoft Office 2010 WSID=xxx DATABASE=test The x i have hidden the names. This gives a efficient, easy to setup connection to any database with ODBC drivers available, including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and others.

odbc driver for hive excel mac

Currently, we don’t have any ODBC connection in Informatica to select from the drop-down list.Here is an example of the connect string generated by my tutorial:  You can find different ODBC connection strings listed on the Internet and cataloged to make it easier for you. To build and test the connection string for your ODBC driver on your own computer, you can use the ODBC Data Source Administrator applet in the Control Panel. Parameters may include information about the data source name, server address and port, username and password, security protocols, SQL dialects, and many more. To add a new ODBC connection, please click on the Add button.

#Odbc driver for hive excel mac install

Athena has an ODBC driver I will install it on a SQL Server machine (AWS EC2 instance for this example). ) in a file or the Windows Registry, you have plunked them into a connect string, which is then associated with some data object, like an Access linked table. For example: Amazon Athena JDBC on Mac, both JDBC and ODBC on Win. From the below screenshot, you can observe that it is showing up the existing connections. Open LibreOffice Calc and hit + + which will open the Data Sources window. So, the ODBC Data Source name and Connect String name in relational connection are different,two names.

  • Hi I have a spreadsheet which looks at an ODBC link.
  • Athena odbc connection string example athena odbc connection string example Â

    Odbc driver for hive excel mac